April 16th, a significant date in our family story. Today is the 6 year anniversary of our 20-week scan with Martha Grace. We had woken up ...
Dr Sullivan warned us that with the type of Heart Condition our unborn daughter had, it was highly likely she would have DiGeorge Syndrome, ...
As I mentioned in my previous post , we'll soon be heading down to London for Martha's next outpatient appointment with her Cardiolo...
6-months sounds like a long time, the older I get the more I am amazed at how quickly the year's whizz by. When I was at school, each ...
I can never relax when things are going well; it's as if I know that as soon as I begin to relax something bad comes out of nowhere to d...
After everything I've seen Martha go through, it's left me a very cynical and unsympathetic person. When anyone complains of being i...
Can you be organised if you're not feeling calm? But then how can you feel calm if you're not organised? This has been going aroun...